Two bumblebees, one sitting on the flowerbud and one flying next to it. Green  leaves in the background.

Balancing biodiversity with society

The rapid loss of biodiversity is considered by many to be as serious a threat as climate change. And like the climate issue, biodiversity is often in conflict with our modern society. Fishing, environmental degradation and invasive species also put great pressure on marine biodiversity.

How the forest is to be harvested in a responsible way, with regard to both biodiversity, carbon dioxide uptake and bioenergy is a key issue. IVL is participating in this issue with independent research. We also analyze how different businesses risk affecting biological diversity from a life cycle perspective.

Our services in the field of biodiversity

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Bild på Eskil Mattsson

Eskil Mattson

Ecosystem services

Porträtt av Tagge Vowles, medarbetare på IVL

Tage Vowles


The image shows a man.

Mats Töpel

Environmental DNA External link.

Porträtt av Emke Vrasdonk

Emke Vrasdonk

Life cycle assessment